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Presentations from Care for the Arctic – let’s extend the horizon together

Here you can find some of the presentations from the conference Care for the Arctic – let’s extend the horizon together that took place in Luleå in May 2024. This page is being updated continuously.

Michael Green are not sharing his presentation, but here you can find his TED talks.

Camila Bondareva – Care for the Arctic – it’s our home

Camilla talked about our arctic agenda. An inclusive and engaging method that empowers us to contribute to, drive, and lead change processes and adjustments towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Lennart Pittja

Lennart talked about how indigenous knowledge can inspire a responsible way of tourism development. He calls it “A hymn to home”.


Annika Fredriksson

Annika filled in for Trond Øverås, she coverd the topic "One destination – cross border co-operation to create a new destination".


Guðrið Højgaard – From saving the environment to exploring the meaning of home – Whats next in tourism?

Guðrið talked about the new pathway of tourism that is not solely about numbers. It is also about adding non-material value to a society and its people, ensuring that Faroe Islands continues to develop as an exciting place to live and about the meaning of Home. 


Ann Heidi Hansen – Why do we need tourism?

Ann Heidi gave her thoughts on tomorrow’s responsible travel industry and how we can move from “more” to “better” both for the visitor, the local community, and the tourism industry. She talked about Innovation Norway’s certificate Sustainable Destinations and how to work with local engagement in a long perspective. She also shared findings from the pilot project in Responsible Visitor Management at Nordland County Council. The main aim of the project was to develop a holistic approach and tools to ensure a sustainable and locally governed development – both in areas with a considerable influx of tourists and for areas that want to enhance sustainable tourism.


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