Swedish Lapand Visitors Board logotyp Mediefinansieras av Europeiska Unionen
Svenska flag Svenska

Welcome to Sweden’s arctic destination

Swedish Lapland is the rolling hills and the roaring rivers. The vast woodlands and rural romance. But foremost, from the mountains to the sea, it is the perfect place for an adventure.

How we care

In planning events Swedish Lapland Visitors Board wants to contribute to renewing arctic tourism, to better meet future expectations, and become more resilient and responsible. 

We want the events we plan, organize and take part in to: 

  • benefit the tourism industry, local societies, stakeholders and visitors in the Arctic part of Sweden. 
  • strengthen the role of arctic culture, contribute to develop year-round business, strengthen all aspects of sustainability, or bring new digital knowledge and innovations to the use of tourism companies. 
  • add value to the tourism offering, attract new customers, widen the local value chain, ensure sustainable management of local nature, build more attractive livelihoods and bring more income and jobs to the local economies.
  • be a platform for sharing of experiences, knowledge and ways of operating. We believe collaboration is the key to succeeding in sustainable development for the region. 
  • enrich the participants by visits, by taking part in workshops and discussions. We want our key notes speaker, experts and participants to stay longer, see more and learn about our way of life as well as share there wisdom and skills with us. 
  • center around topics like; new products and ways of operating year-round business, cultural products and co-operation with cultural actors, local food, local heritage, animal welfare, sustainability and regeneration. 
  • promote equal opportunities, anti-discrimination and gender equality. These values should always be respected and enhanced. 

Follow our work in creating this conference!

We believe transparency creates a more responsible conference. Therefore we’ll continuously communicate what we are doing and choices we take to create this conference. Please follow our work here.

About Luleå

Luleå is the county capital of Norrbotten. The municipality is the home of 78,900 people, and the direct labour market including the municipalities of Boden, Kalix, Luleå, Piteå and Älvsbyn contains of around 172,000 inhabitants and 14,000 commuters. Luleå’s industrial history is extensive, and the trade and industry spans over everything from a century-old steel industry to a boiling start-up, and a growing tourism and hospitality sector.

Hospitality – an industry to be reckoned with

The hospitality industry is one of northern Sweden’s most important industries. In 2019, the hospitality industry in Swedish Lapland employed 4,562 full-time employees and contributed to total tax revenues of SEK 741 million.

One of Sweden’s safest counties

Norrbotten is not only Sweden’s arctic region, but nine out of ten people in the county feel safe in their everyday lives.

Luleå Airport – a zero emission airport

Luleå Airport is accredited at the ACA 3+ level in accordance with Airport Council International (ACI) Europe’s standards for the climate work of airports. In 2020, Swedavia achieved the company’s goal of no fossil carbon dioxide emissions from airport operations run under their own management. Swedavia purchase green electricity for all operations, the back-up power supply runs on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), the vehicle fleet runs on HVO, fossil-free gas or green electricity, and they purchase liquefied petroleum gas (biogasol) and biogas.

World heritage x 3

Three of Sweden’s fourteen sites on the UNESCO World Heritage list are in Sweden’s arctic region: Laponia, Struve Geodetic Arc and Gammelstad church town. The church in Gammelstad was built in 1492, the same year Christopher Columbus discovered America. At the turn of the 19th century, the astronomer Wilhelm Struve initiated a gigantic measurement project to determine the exact shape and size of the globe. The Struve Geodetic Arc includes four measuring points in the Swedish part of Meänmaa (Torne Valley).

Recycling heroes

The Swedes are among the best in the world at recycling bottles and cans. Sweden's arctic region (Norrbotten) is the fourth best county, with an average of 296 bottles and cans per resident. 

Fast connection

Today, almost 90 percent of the region's residents have fast broadband via fiber, 100 Mbps. The goal is 100 percent by 2025.

Buoris, buoris!

Sweden’s Arctic region is an administrative area for three national minority languages: Finnish, Meänkieli and Sami. That means the region is particularly responsible for protecting and promoting these languages. Buoris, buries means ”hello, hello” in Lule Sami.

Sweden’s lowest energy cost

Luleå has Sweden’s second lowest energy cost (total cost for district heating, electricity, water, and waste). Piteå and Boden are also in the top ten when it comes to low energy costs. This is shown by the so-called Nils Holgersson report in 2023. Umeå, in Västerbotten were no 1 in 2023. The region is constantly evolving in solar energy, wind power and hydroelectric power. Sustainable and reliable green energy powers most of the industries in the region.

The world’s most peaceful border

The border between Sweden and Finland in Hapranda/Tornio runs in the middle of the Torne River. It was drawn in 1809 and is usually called the world’s most peaceful border.

An essential part of the Arctic

The Arctic is the large ice sea at the North Pole, with surrounding land areas. The Swedish government has adopted a new strategy for the Arctic region, which focuses on people, peace, and the climate. Norrbotten is a competitive Arctic region and an essential player in implementing the strategy. 

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