Swedish Lapand Visitors Board logotyp Mediefinansieras av Europeiska Unionen
Svenska flag Svenska


We believe transparency creates a more responsible conference. Therefore we’ll continuously communicate what we are doing and choices we take to create this conference.

During the event, we will communicate where products and food are from, what we have done to organize a responsible event, and how you as an attendee taking part in the event can contribute to the cause – both during the event and afterwards.

We aim to create a conference that creates a positive impact and legacy.

This page follows the planning of the event and is continuously updated

Special consideration

Within the organizing team, we are sharing information. Agreements and documents are shared via the digital project tool “Basecamp”. (That Swedish Lapland Visitors Board are using in it’s ordinary operations). We make sure we can fill in for each other and make sure to keep the workload shared.

Within Swedish Lapland Visitors Board we are all very familiar to the Arctic agenda Care for the Arctic. Connected to this event the project team is responsible for mediating to the rest of the organization how the event meets and connects to Care for the Arctic.

We have a website dedicated to Care for the Arctic. We also made movies, pictures, pdfs, and webpages. The information is made differently to match different target groups (internal, external, within the tourism sector etc).

We are together with NECSTouR looking for a plan for measuring the impact of the event. We want the positive impact to outweigh the negative. We know that traveling to Swedish Lapland will create CO2 submissions.

We encourage all partners and suppliers to find local producers.

We will reuse roll-ups and like-wise. We might reprint fabrics, not buy new roll-ups.

We are making an inventory of the needs of materials for the event – to find where and how we can reuse, borrow and rent things.

All props and decorations for the dinner should be local, reusable, or rented.

The collective agreement is in place for everyone working during the event. We only use F-skatt business and of course, comply with Swedish law.

We make sure that info is at hand and easily accessible for attendees. Prizes and cancellation rules are clearly stated on the event and registration page.

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