Swedish Lapand Visitors Board logotyp Mediefinansieras av Europeiska Unionen
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Be a more responsible traveller

We are well aware of the impact, both positive and negative, that travel can have on places, nature and culture worldwide. By reflecting over your impact, as a traveller, you also assume responsibility for making the most sustainable choices, regardless of whether this has to do with modes of travel, accommodation, how you interact with local residents and which companies you support.

Respect your fellow human beings.

Safeguard human rights and our common heritage. Do research on the destination to learn more. By understanding what makes the place unique – its history, customs and culture – you will have a more enriching experience. This will make it easier for you to make more informed choices during your travels.

Protect our arctic nature.

Protect our sensitive ecosystems in the mountains, forests and coastal areas. Respect wildlife and its habitats. In protected areas, visit only places that are reserved for visitors. Minimise wear-and-tear, follow designated pathways, take only pictures and leave nothing but footprints. Stay updated on local regulations and restrictions. 

Minimise your climate impact.

Remember; your travel places a burden on the environment. Plan travel so as to minimise your impact and be careful how you use energy while you are here. Reduce waste, refrain from using single-use items and recycle whenever possible. Minimise your footprint and leave only good impressions.

Buy locally.

Support companies that operate locally and that foster equality and diversity. Choose locally produced goods and enjoy unique, local experiences. Respect local artisans and producers by paying fair prices. Hire local guides and purchase local services. 

Travel safely and securely.

Take care of yourself, find out which travel rules apply and travel with the right insurance. Our destination is a unique region with arctic conditions and rapidly changing weather. The right equipment and the right attitude are prerequisites for a rewarding experience. Many wild animals also use our roads. Drive carefully.

Be an informed traveller.

Enjoy your stay by meeting local residents and getting acquainted with, and respecting, their lifestyle. Choose companies and operators that have environmental and sustainability policies. Comply with laws and regulations. Respect private property. Don’t always choose the most frequently visited places or the most popular seasons. Slow down, stay longer.

Learn about how the companies and enablers of the tourism sector can help foster consious and responsible travel.

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