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Speakers at Care for the Arctic – Let’s extend the horizon together

Please note that this event has already occurred.

We are proud to announce the speakers that will share their knowledge in the conference.

Kata Nylén

Kata Nylén is a lic. psychologist, specialising in organizational psychology and author of the book Climate Psychology. She has worked for organizations such as Green Congress, ESSF and Greenpeace. Today she helps companies and organizations in their sustainability work when it comes to climate psychology, resilience and innovation.

During the conference, Kata will follow up the other speakers subjects by giving practical tips, and advice and guiding the conversations.

Keynote: Michael Green

We are happy to present Michael Green as one of the conference’s keynote speakers.

Michael Green is Chief Executive Officer of the Social Progress Imperative. An economist by training, he is co-author with Matthew Bishop of ‘The Economist’ of “Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World and The Road from Ruin: A New Capitalism for a Big Society.”

Previously, Michael served as a senior official in the U.K. Government’s Department for International Development. His TED Talks have been viewed more than two million times.

Camilla Bondareva

Camilla is Head of Brand communication at Swedish Lapland Visitors Board. She has a wide range of experience in the Arctic hospitality industry, working for world-famous tourism companies like Icehotel, and with destination brand development both on local and regional level.

Camilla will talk about Care for the Arctic – it’s our home. An inclusive and engaging method that empowers us to contribute to, drive, and lead change processes and adjustments towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Dieter K. Müller

Dieter Müller is a Professor of social and economic geography at Department of Geography, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of research and postgraduate education within the social sciences and humanities at Umeå University. His research interest is in tourism and regional development, mobility and tourism in peripheral areas. 

During the conference, Dieter will speak about Climate Change and the Double Amplification of Arctic Tourism. In this presentation, advantages and risks of such a change are highlighted but also its embedding in wider societal change stretching far beyond the realm of the tourism industry.

Lennart Pittja

Lennart Pittja owns and runs Sapmi Nature Camp. He is a Sami person who grew up in a reindeer herding family in the Unna Tjerusj Sami community. Lennart is committed to responsible tourism that does not threaten the reindeer and the herding. He wants to share his knowledge about Sami life – both past and present. Sampi Nature Camp were selected as one of the 27 best new hotels of the world by international traveler magazine AFAR. The camp has also earned the Grand Travel Award for Best Swedish Ecotourism 2019, and one of the ‘world’s best ecolodges’ by National Geographic in 2017.

Lennart will talk about how indigenous knowledge can inspire a responsible way of tourism development. He calls it “A hymn to home” and we will follow his journey and thoughts on how he as indigenous tourism entrepreneur can contribute to the Arctic agenda.

Keynote: Guðrið Højgaard

As the CEO of Visit Faroe Islands, Guðrið Højgaard spearheads efforts to redefine the future of tourism. From initiatives aimed at environmental conservation to exploring the profound meaning of home, Guðrið is at the forefront of shaping the next chapter in tourism. Guðrið Højgaard has vast experience in the tourism industry, having worked as marketing director for Visit Stockholm and marketing manager for Visit Denmark in Sweden.

During the conference, Guðrið will talk about the new pathway of tourism that is not solely about numbers. It is also about adding non-material value to a society and its people, ensuring that Faroe Islands continues to develop as an exciting place to live and about the meaning of Home.

Janus Brandin

Janus Brandin, Head of Regional Development Department – including Business, Society and Culture at Region Norrbotten/Norrbotten County Council. He’s a former political advisor to two previous Ministers of Rural Affairs Mrs Jennie Nilsson and Sven-Erik Bucht. Mr Brandin has also served as Municipal Chief Execetive and Head of Section; Integration and Labour Market at Municipality of Pajala, Norrbotten County.

Janus Brandin will share thoughts from the region on how the visitors and the hospitality business can act as a cathalyst for growth and innovation in Norrbotten in times of transitions. He will also emphasize the importance of having a joint, regional, and strategic road map to realize the visitor’s full potential in making conscious choices and actively contribute to the regenerative local development. Together we share the mission and intention to make sure, we properly manage our destinations and homes, and succeed in making it even more attractive to inhabitants as well as visitors.

Maria Wiberg

Driven project leader for the Nordic project on introducing transaction data into tourism statistics. Have worked at the Swedish agency for economic and regional growth since August 2023 and been running the project since January 2024. Before that I have worked at Statistics Sweden for 11 years with National accounts. Have a master’s degree in development economics from Manchester University.

Maria will talk about a new model in measuring Regional Tourism and Tourism’s Environmental Impact in the Nordics. Regional tourism statistics is desired by many actors. Finding the right data to make accurate models seems to be the biggest restraint to the compilation. Transaction data has a high level of granularity, which means the data can be broken down both to a regional and even down to municipality level.

Ann Heidi Hansen

Ann Heidi is currently working as Special adviser at Innovation Norway. She is engaged in the development of sustainable tourism, including work with the certificate Sustainable Destinations – Local engagement in a long perspective, and other initiatives that can develop Norwegian tourism in a more sustainable direction.

She has previously worked with the development of visitor management at Nordland County Council, as Brand Manger at Northern Norway Tourist Board, and on various development projects within the travel industry throughout her career.  Additionally she holds a PhD at Nord University with her thesis: ”Memorable moments. Consumer immersion in nature-based tourist experiences”.

Trond Øverås

He has a master’s degree in tourism from Lillehammer and an MBA from the world’s northernmost university, UIT- The Arctic University of Norway. In addition, he also has an educational background from the Norwegian armed forces.

Has worked in the travel industry since 1994. Here he has a background from various parts of the commercial part of the travel industry. Ten years in Spitsbergen Travel (what is now called Hurtigruten Svalbard) and six years from the product and marketing side of Hurtigruten, both along the Norwegian coast and in the Antarctic/Arctic.

After being tourism manager in Tromsø, he’s now the Managing Director at Northern Norway Tourist Board.

More speakers and topics to be announced!

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